Версия для слабовидящих Размер шрифта
Цвет сайта
Версия для слабовидящих
Телефон для записи +7 (812) 339-39-39

Main activities

Diagnosis of diseases, treatment and rehabilitation of persons involved in rescue operations in radiation emergencies.

Participation in the activities of the WHO global biodosimetry laboratory network for radiation emergencies (BioDoseNet) regarding regional capacity building in the field of dosimetry.

Maintaining a database of the North-Western Regional Centre of the National Radiation and Epidemiology Registry (NRER) and medical observation and monitoring of the accidentally affected population.

Provision of technical aid and advice to WHO in case of radiaological emergencies, in particular to address their mental and psychological consequences.

Participation in the REMPAN activities on capacity building, including national preparedness for radiation emergencies, training first responders and the public, educational and information activities.

Research and development in the field of the effects of radiation exposure on health. Information and methodological support of REMPAN activities, including conferences, seminars and meetings.

Further training of medical personnel on radiation medicine, emergency medicine.

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